What financial advi...
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What financial advice would you provide to someone?

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Shweta D'Cruze
Posts: 6
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What financial advice would you provide to someone?

Posted : 04/08/2022 5:11 pm
Vimal Kulkarni
Posts: 5
Active Member

Few points to note in my opinion: 

  1. Earn extra cash. You must be able to increase your income from the previous year. You'll be okay if you follow this advice every single year you work.
  2. Prior to everything else, put 10% of your earnings into investments. To invest 10% of your income for the future, invest in EPF or monthly contribution to SIPs. The biggest purchase you will ever make will be retirement; plan accordingly.
  3. Think about the worst and be ready. Be sure to have an emergency funds and take out insurance. Insurance for your home, car, health, life, and disabilities all must be insured. Additionally, you need to have an emergency fund that is at least three months' worth of expenses in cash.
  4. Monitor your finances. To find out what you are spending money on, use one of the several free money tracking apps. Whether you're overspending on things that are not required or on things you truly value, you'll find out very quickly.
  5. Be patient. Trees do indeed grow from the soil, but it takes a very long period. You'll be fine one day if you just keep watering that small hole in the ground.
  6. Never take out a loan to purchase anything that won't increase your wealth. Avoid taking out a loan to buy a car because they lose value over time.
    Avoid using a credit card to purchase clothing since clothing loses value over time. You probably shouldn't borrow money unless you're buying a property or a business.
  7. Spend cash. Life should be experienced. Spend money on the things you value. Travel the world, purchase some good shoes, and attend a formal dinner. Be sure you only pay with cash.
Posted : 04/08/2022 5:29 pm
Shweta D'Cruze
Posts: 6
Active Member
Topic starter

thanks for the reply 🙂

Posted : 04/08/2022 5:36 pm
Jeetu Advani
Posts: 92
Illustrious Member Admin
  1. Money is not a follower of money. The big illusion you have been taught is this. Energy leads to money. The efforts you put into generating money is called energy. The issue is that having money is difficult because it must be exchanged for something that has value.
  2. Not the cause, but the result is money. The cause is the mind. Money will follow the correct mindset like ants and house flies to sweets.
  3. Nobody is financially literate from birth. It becomes worse since school teaches you how to work most effectively for others and make them rich, eliminating your dreams and turning opportunities that come your way into pure luck. The issue is that by the time you know what's going on, you've already given up on yourself completely.
  4. Saving money doesn't make it grow. By investing, money grows. The issue is that banks encourage saving because doing so allows them to invest your money and earn big returns at little to no expense to them. They actually have a name for it; it's termed as easy money. What most people are unaware of is that, with a quick financial management education, they can invest in the same financial products that banks use and, most likely, make as much money as or even more than the banks do.
  5. When you develop a rare skill that few people possess, you start attracting money. Learning a skill is an investment for the future, and the more in demand the skill is, the more money it can bring in. The best investment you can make is in yourself.
  6. People will give you money well before you provide a service because they know you are skilled at it once you become a money magnet. They'll effectively reserve your services in advance up to the point where you deny or assign the work to someone else. You can essentially employ others to work for you at this stage.
  7. In short, earning money while you're asleep is an outdated trend. It simply refers to using laptops or other workers to complete tasks for you while you sleep. Nobody informs you that the methods and systems required to achieve this need a lot of resources and extensive training in the managing people, money, and technology. As a result, they are incredibly expensive to set up and maintain. The fact is that nobody really sleeps because people sleep less when their income increases.
  8. It's not because most people don't work hard that only a small percentage of people are wealthy while the majority are struggling to survive. For success, dedication is required. But very few people have mastered the art of turning "hard effort" into "smart work."
  9. Success don't come through mastering finances. Possessing financial discipline is a path to wealth.
  10. In the world of finance, leverage is a buzzword. Although you can make the meaning as complicated as you like, to put it more simply, it is a means to carry large objects with little effort. In terms of money, it's the opportunity to participate in the lead position while having little resources.
  11. Since you have nothing to lose and lots of time to explore, the ideal moment to learn about money is when you don't have any. To learn more about money, investing, and attracting money, there are many free courses available. Moreover, there isn't much time to invest the money because money and energy are intimately intertwined with time.
Posted : 04/08/2022 7:37 pm
Archana Ahmed
Posts: 7
Active Member

makes sense...

Posted : 04/08/2022 7:41 pm