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Mutual Funds Direct vs. Regular Plan?

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Anoop Lalit
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Mutual Funds Direct vs. Regular Plan?

Posted : 05/08/2022 1:47 pm
Nitin Sujatha
Posts: 5
Active Member

Direct plans are better

Posted : 05/08/2022 1:48 pm
Ratna Gupta
Posts: 4
New Member

go for direct plans...

Posted : 05/08/2022 1:49 pm
Jeetu Advani
Posts: 92
Illustrious Member Admin

There are Direct and Regular options for each mutual fund. It is preferable to select the direct option because it always has less fixed expenses than the Regular plan and offers better returns than the Regular plan of the same mutual fund. Long-term financial gain from this could be significant.


Important Note on Mutual Fund Direct Plans vs. Regular Plans


  • You invest directly with the mutual fund firm when you employ the direct plans of mutual fund schemes. There isn't a distributor or middleman involved. Consequently, you avoid paying distributors fees. This indicates higher returns in comparison to MF schemes' standard plans.
  • Regular (or distributor) programmes require you to invest through a distributor or other agent. On our part, the fund house pays the intermediary. As a result, typical plans have a greater cost (expense ratio). The fund house does this even if you don't pay anything directly. Higher expenses (as evident in expenditure ratios) and lesser profits are the end results.
  • Everything else (stock portfolio, fund manager, etc.) is the same for direct and regular plans, with the exception of the cost component.
  • The ratio percent difference between the costs of the two categories of expenses can be anything from a few basis points (such as 0.15 percent) to more than a percent (like 1.1 percent ). This might not appear to be a significant difference. What initially appeared to be a modest difference in % returns, however, would result in a big difference of lacs(!) in the end corpus when investing for the long term (let's say 15+ years). This is a result of the additional percentage return you receive when investing in direct plans compounding.
  • Direct plans will therefore always yield higher returns than regular plans by default.
  • Investment in mutual fund direct plans makes sense as a matter of fact. Once the exit load period is finished (usually one year for equity funds), and capital gains taxability becomes little, if you have been investing in regular plans, you can also switch your current investments from regular plans to direct plans.
  • It is considered redemption from a regular plan and a new investment in a direct plan for an MF scheme to switch from a regular plan to a direct plan. The redemption of such units in regular plans may therefore result in an exit load and capital gains liability. Additionally, because your investment is a direct plan, it will be subject to an exit load period and a new lock-in term, if applicable.

Happy Investing!!!

Posted : 05/08/2022 2:03 pm
Sushila Anand
Posts: 8
Active Member

Nice 👍 

Posted : 05/08/2022 2:05 pm
Nirmala Kaur
Posts: 3
Active Member

very informative

Posted : 05/08/2022 5:01 pm